150 万人民币
18-24 个月
加拿大联邦创业移民(Start-up Visa )是加拿大移民部于2013 年3 月31 曰启动的为期五年的试点项目,主要目的是吸引创新企业家移民加拿大,创办公司创造就业,从而刺激经济增长。2017 年7 月28 日,加拿大移民部公布联邦创业移民成为永久性项目。此项目替代了2012年以前的联邦投资移民项目和企业家移民项目,是移民制度的重大改革。通过此项目,申请人可以一步到位获得枫叶卡,同时不受任何限制地在加拿大境内任何地方居住、生活。
Canadian immigration agency, headquartered in Toronto, Calgary and four Atlantic provinces have branches.
The Beijing branch was established to truly provide one-stop service from consulting to landing.
Abundant research resources and first-hand employer resources not only ensure the qualification of the employer, but also avoid the price difference between the middlemen.
Focus on Canadian immigration, close relationship with provincial government.
Member of the Canadian Immigration Law Commission (ICCRC), a cooperative agency recognized by the Canadian Department of Immigration.