195 万人民币
18 + 49 个月
2020 年5 月20 日,加拿大移民部长宣布:将魁省投资移民暂停时间延至2023年4月
2021年3月31日,根据加拿大移民局新闻,魁北克省投资移民(Quebec Immigrant Investment Program – QIIP)即日起暂停申请到2023年4月。事实上,QIIP自2019年11月1日起已暂停,虽然计划于2021年4月1日重新开放,但今天确定延长。移民局表示,延长的目的是为了让移民局能够完成当前的修订工作,以便实施一系列的更新计划。
Canadian immigration agency, headquartered in Toronto, Calgary and four Atlantic provinces have branches.
The Beijing branch was established to truly provide one-stop service from consulting to landing.
Abundant research resources and first-hand employer resources not only ensure the qualification of the employer, but also avoid the price difference between the middlemen.
Focus on Canadian immigration, close relationship with provincial government.
Member of the Canadian Immigration Law Commission (ICCRC), a cooperative agency recognized by the Canadian Department of Immigration.